Monday, November 12, 2007

Video Journal 7wo -Dream

Dream, Somehow my friend had turned into a flavor of donut- he was supposed to have been a glazed donut, but upon seeing that there were no glazed donuts that day, i made him a Jelly donut. (note: that it is supposed to say "Mr. Steve" it's hard to read online tho...) I don't know what I am supposed to be writing down, but I think it had to do with something I needed to get another friend, one who had not been turned into a flavor of donut.

I could totally go for some donuts now.


Melissa said...

I like what you wrote about the dream. It is a little hard to tell what is going on?

Anonymous said...

i know that dunkins!! haha.

Ken said...

This one just made me hungry...

.beth ann. said...

Haha. I liked it, but didn't seem to match the description. It looked like an ordinary trip to Dunkin Donuts to me...